Poundstone: Sophia Poundstone
Poundstone: Fish Lips
Poundstone: Me & Sophie
Poundstone: Curly When Wet!
Poundstone: The Feet
Poundstone: Fake Smile
Poundstone: Sorry, But Um, Could She BE Any Cuter?
Poundstone: Sophie Meets Lucy
Poundstone: Me and Sophie Napping
Poundstone: Dress From Suriname
Poundstone: Uncle Lawren & Sophie
Poundstone: Sophie In Winter White
Poundstone: Sophie & Lucy Hanging Out
Poundstone: Ben's Thumbs + Sophie's Feet
Poundstone: First Road Trip
Poundstone: Ben & Sophie Zonked
Poundstone: Sophie's First Christmas Ornament
Poundstone: Sophie and Her Stocking
Poundstone: Sophie & Lucy Adjacent To One Another
Poundstone: Crazy Bath Face
Poundstone: Peeping Out From Car Seat Bundling
Poundstone: Pink Polka Dots & Paw Prints Blanket
Poundstone: Many Faces Of Sophia
Poundstone: Happily Sleeping
Poundstone: Favorite Sleeping Position
Poundstone: Me & Soph Late At Night
Poundstone: What's that again?
Poundstone: Sweater Great Grandma Made
Poundstone: Goofball Face
Poundstone: Cartoony Smile