Poundstone: Trip to Children's Museum!
Poundstone: In The Baby's Garden 1
Poundstone: In The Baby's Garden 2
Poundstone: In the Kids Care Room 1
Poundstone: In the Kids Care Room 2
Poundstone: In the Kids Care Room 3
Poundstone: In the Kids Care Room 4
Poundstone: In the Water Works Room 1
Poundstone: In the Water Works Room 2
Poundstone: In the Water Works Room 3
Poundstone: In the Water Works Room 4
Poundstone: Blocks on a Light Table on the "Twilight Trail"
Poundstone: Me & Sophie
Poundstone: Entrance to "Five Friends From Japan" Exhibit 1
Poundstone: Entrance to "Five Friends From Japan" Exhibit 2
Poundstone: Sophie Picking Out Her Tofu
Poundstone: Video of a Little Japanese Girl Drawing
Poundstone: Shoe Pile
Poundstone: Sophie On the Tatami Mat
Poundstone: Drawing in Little Girl's Room
Poundstone: Sophie on the Bed
Poundstone: Shoe Cubbies
Poundstone: Green Screen 1
Poundstone: Green Screen 2
Poundstone: Green Screen 3
Poundstone: Green Screen 4
Poundstone: Crash
Poundstone: Walking Home From the Cafe
Poundstone: Toy Phone From Uncle Lawren
Poundstone: Sophie's First Birthday Party!