poulet4amy: IMG_4276.jpg
poulet4amy: the first signs of spring
poulet4amy: Grey days
poulet4amy: clamming
poulet4amy: The long cold walk back from Pichilemu's surf
poulet4amy: I have a secret to tell you...
poulet4amy: One lone bird
poulet4amy: Upon the rock beaches
poulet4amy: IMG_4343.jpg
poulet4amy: Kelp havesting
poulet4amy: Where the rock haven't become beach yet in pichilemu
poulet4amy: Upon the rock y beaches
poulet4amy: Setting up shop
poulet4amy: Playa des Lobos
poulet4amy: Playa des Lobos
poulet4amy: Playa des Lobos
poulet4amy: Surfs Up!
poulet4amy: Surfs Up!
poulet4amy: IMG_4381.jpg
poulet4amy: my shadow for a morning in pucon
poulet4amy: IMG_4400.jpg
poulet4amy: spontaneous play in the park
poulet4amy: IMG_4405.jpg
poulet4amy: IMG_4410.jpg
poulet4amy: IMG_4419.jpg
poulet4amy: Chile - where it rains, pours and floods on Lake Panguipulli (say that 3 times fast...or once)
poulet4amy: rain, rain, go away
poulet4amy: rain, rain, go away
poulet4amy: Food Court, Valdivia style