poulet4amy: sprinted to the center
poulet4amy: videotaping the fountain around me
poulet4amy: videotaping the fountain around me
poulet4amy: joined by new friends
poulet4amy: joined by new friends
poulet4amy: joined by new friends
poulet4amy: group picture in the water tunnel
poulet4amy: making out way through the water tunnel
poulet4amy: making out way through the water tunnel
poulet4amy: making out way through the water tunnel
poulet4amy: fountain synced to music
poulet4amy: fountain synced to music
poulet4amy: fountain synced to music
poulet4amy: fountain synced to music
poulet4amy: fountain synced to music
poulet4amy: fountain synced to music
poulet4amy: fountain synced to music
poulet4amy: even nuns <3 fountains!!!
poulet4amy: more water to music to sound syncing
poulet4amy: more water to music to sound syncing
poulet4amy: more water to music to sound syncing
poulet4amy: alex and kyle listen to the sounds of the fountain
poulet4amy: leah and sarah taking it in
poulet4amy: kylie...
poulet4amy: more fountain
poulet4amy: candid + noncandid
poulet4amy: posing in front of the fountain
poulet4amy: more interstingly jumping in front of the fountain
poulet4amy: the larger group jumps!
poulet4amy: the larger group jumps!