poulet4amy: llamas (yamas) in the rain
poulet4amy: papa llama
poulet4amy: the llama train
poulet4amy: the llama train part II
poulet4amy: yama family
poulet4amy: creepy llama leering
poulet4amy: view above the bathroom
poulet4amy: tuning the pan flute
poulet4amy: measuring and cutting the pan flute
poulet4amy: making another cut
poulet4amy: weaving all the notes together
poulet4amy: pretty incense burners
poulet4amy: piles and piles of pan flutes
poulet4amy: georgia o'keefe style
poulet4amy: raindrops on flowers
poulet4amy: adobo-esque
poulet4amy: stairstepped threads
poulet4amy: practicing weaving
poulet4amy: portait of the weaver
poulet4amy: detail of weaving I
poulet4amy: details of weaving II
poulet4amy: details of weaving III
poulet4amy: details of weaving IV
poulet4amy: details of weaving V
poulet4amy: details of weaving VI
poulet4amy: the more automated weaver
poulet4amy: cuy ... on the hoof
poulet4amy: more cuddly cuy
poulet4amy: bunnies...not for Easter
poulet4amy: Exotic flowers