poulet4amy: waiting to be rebuilt
poulet4amy: A view from the Citadel
poulet4amy: The palace behind the church
poulet4amy: The columns of Hercules
poulet4amy: not original
poulet4amy: Corinthian Columns
poulet4amy: Leaning
poulet4amy: Temple of Hercules
poulet4amy: Jorge's head and the Temple of Hercules
poulet4amy: stones, stones stones
poulet4amy: Islamic Cemetary
poulet4amy: The view backwards from the citadel enterance
poulet4amy: The Citadel in the distance
poulet4amy: The Roman View
poulet4amy: the first Roman Theatre
poulet4amy: Behind the ruins
poulet4amy: Looking through the ruins
poulet4amy: The Driver ... and tumble weed (in focus)
poulet4amy: Weeds
poulet4amy: The inside of Iraq-al-Amir
poulet4amy: The road that passes the ruins
poulet4amy: Entering
poulet4amy: View from Caves
poulet4amy: Wadi Seer ... a Tuscany like View