poulet4amy: The prince
poulet4amy: Me and My legionier.
poulet4amy: Gladiators fighting
poulet4amy: The armadillo or something like that
poulet4amy: a Legionier
poulet4amy: The horse baracade
poulet4amy: The legioniers
poulet4amy: The Gladiators
poulet4amy: Kill Him or Spare Him...
poulet4amy: tight turns
poulet4amy: Coming around the corner
poulet4amy: the chariot horses
poulet4amy: Butts
poulet4amy: Jordanian Bagpipers
poulet4amy: The contemporary is never far from the ruins
poulet4amy: Ancient Columns and the modern city
poulet4amy: Weeds in the Temple of Zeus
poulet4amy: The Temple of Zeus
poulet4amy: The best ancient fountain in Jordan
poulet4amy: Ancient Gerasa meets Modern Day Jerush
poulet4amy: Main Street
poulet4amy: The Oval Plaza