poulet4amy: View from the Camel
poulet4amy: Elian and Hombran
poulet4amy: chilling out after the ride
poulet4amy: on the railroad
poulet4amy: Portrait of Elian
poulet4amy: Confidence on the Camel
poulet4amy: Hombran and our Camel Driver
poulet4amy: View from the Camel, 2
poulet4amy: While Elian was still sitting
poulet4amy: getting comfortable
poulet4amy: The bridge
poulet4amy: Red Sand and Haze
poulet4amy: View from 4x4 ... 50mph
poulet4amy: writing on the wall
poulet4amy: Blood Red Sand by the gorge
poulet4amy: filter enhanced sky..
poulet4amy: From Lawerance's Spring
poulet4amy: Seven Pillars of Widom (well .. 5 of the 7)
poulet4amy: That's right ... I made it up to
poulet4amy: departing from the dune
poulet4amy: playing in the Sand
poulet4amy: I think I'm dying
poulet4amy: on the way to the Dune
poulet4amy: The Dune
poulet4amy: from the top of the dune
poulet4amy: And the Full moon rising
poulet4amy: Sunset
poulet4amy: Jorge gets the photo credits here
poulet4amy: From the lower Ledge
poulet4amy: Close Up of the Sunset