poulet4amy: A patriotic Lamb
poulet4amy: Really Dirty Difficult to get into fire alarm
poulet4amy: The Sheep Office ...
poulet4amy: The illustrious baby goat
poulet4amy: Alison dubbed these the Ku Klux Lambs
poulet4amy: Baaaaaaaaaaa
poulet4amy: Sheep in Spandex
poulet4amy: 2 Pig snouts
poulet4amy: 1 pig snout
poulet4amy: This is THE Champion Poland China Pig
poulet4amy: This is not the butter cow
poulet4amy: This is the butter cow
poulet4amy: Hat says it all
poulet4amy: Ah ... the REALLY Ethnic village
poulet4amy: Alison ... ready to take on the Fair
poulet4amy: The Supreme House of Cheese ... not much cheese
poulet4amy: Alison ... on the phone
poulet4amy: Jumbo ... the coal mine
poulet4amy: Alison in the Corn
poulet4amy: My Jeep ... trespassing
poulet4amy: Jumbo...The Toluca coal mine
poulet4amy: We climbed these!
poulet4amy: Mark's Backyard in Michigan
poulet4amy: Mark's Backyard in Michigan
poulet4amy: His punny license plate
poulet4amy: Mark's Backyard in Michigan
poulet4amy: Mark's Backyard in Michigan
poulet4amy: vacant...
poulet4amy: vacant...
poulet4amy: vacant...