Posti8: Outdoor Table Soccer in the Piazza
Posti8: Scenic Verona
Posti8: Crowds at the Tocali Festival
Posti8: My Future Home?
Posti8: Oktoberfest
Posti8: New English Friends
Posti8: In Munich
Posti8: The Maximilianeum
Posti8: River Surfing in the Park
Posti8: English Garden in Munich
Posti8: Dusk in the Park
Posti8: Atop the Eagle's Nest
Posti8: Hitler's Eagle Nest, aka Kehlsteinhaus
Posti8: Kehlsteinhaus
Posti8: Waving at my reflection in Hitler's Ornate Elevator
Posti8: I love Reflecting Ponds
Posti8: Out of Necessity
Posti8: Rich Contemplates his Move
Posti8: Reflection
Posti8: Hey
Posti8: Helllloooo
Posti8: Sunset through the Gate
Posti8: German Reichstag
Posti8: Flash Raindrops
Posti8: Rich and I about to enter the Reichstag
Posti8: Mirrored Reflection into the Reichstag Chamber
Posti8: Mirrors
Posti8: Former DDR
Posti8: Rich, Bear, Ice Cream