Posti8: The path from Lake Ozette to the Pacific.
Posti8: the boys taking a break along path
Posti8: Foti surveying the shore
Posti8: Ozette-Olympic Park 0813
Posti8: these scenes will always remind me of "The Goonies"
Posti8: Ozette-Olympic Park 0816
Posti8: Ozette-Olympic Park 0817
Posti8: Ozette-Olympic Park 0818
Posti8: Ozette-Olympic Park
Posti8: Lyre River-Olympic Park 0821
Posti8: Lyre River-Olympic Park 0822
Posti8: Mt. Baker off in the distance
Posti8: looks like you can see Canada 'eh
Posti8: goofy picture of Foti and Courtney
Posti8: Foti and Courtney
Posti8: ♫ The hills are alive, with the sound of music…
Posti8: Looking back towards our cars
Posti8: The crew atop Hurricane Ridge
Posti8: The two PSSBL Cobras sluggers atop Hurricane Ridge
Posti8: Two deer shading themselves under a mountain outpost
Posti8: Looking East, beautiful
Posti8: Panoramic from the peak
Posti8: it's not so high
Posti8: this is why living out here is so nice
Posti8: Rainier from the Ferry
Posti8: I can see my house from here