posthumus_cake (
So foul, so cruel, that no man has fought with it, and lived!
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startled fox
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Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel
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Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel 2
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Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel 1
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immature grizzly
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house finch
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male cardinal
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female cardinal
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Black-capped Chickadee
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with this seed...
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rose breasted grosbeak
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resting husky
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The bear knows too much...
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female Pine Grosbeak
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Feeding Time!
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Let me in!
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silently he surveys his vast domain
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Elk near the Trail Ridge Road
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An elk herd at sunset along the Trail Ridge Road
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inquisitive chipmunk
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my friend
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alpine meadow...and an atypical use of my 50mm f/1.4
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here fishy fishy