Dani_Girl: 108:365 Rain boots
Dani_Girl: 199:365 Katie and Willie, the love story continues...
Dani_Girl: 125:365 Puddle jumper
Dani_Girl: 129:365 Dewy [Explored]
Dani_Girl: Into the ocean
Dani_Girl: 146:365 Wish
Dani_Girl: 121:365 Colouring Easter eggs
Dani_Girl: 107:365 Man on a bike
Dani_Girl: 230:365 Mud Lake dock
Dani_Girl: 237:365 Lucas loves kitty
Dani_Girl: 168:365 Rhubarb
Dani_Girl: 135:365 Up Daddy!
Dani_Girl: 419:1000 Daddy kiss
Dani_Girl: 98:365 My menfolk
Dani_Girl: 43:365 Beloved and Lucas playing Angry Birds
Dani_Girl: 243:365 Autumn apples
Dani_Girl: 238:365 Morning mist at the park - Explored!
Dani_Girl: Approaching the wharf, Lunenburg Harbour
Dani_Girl: 497:1000 We drove a long way so he could put those toes in that ocean
Dani_Girl: 118:365 Laces
Dani_Girl: 46:365 STOP winter now!
Dani_Girl: Wharfside, Lunenburg
Dani_Girl: 104b:365 Multi-mom
Dani_Girl: 96:365 Snacktime
Dani_Girl: 192:365 Splashdown
Dani_Girl: 335:365 I am Canadian
Dani_Girl: 25:365 One for you and one for me
Dani_Girl: Pumpkins!
Dani_Girl: 277:365 Red laundry day
Dani_Girl: 272:365 Blackeyed susans peeking through the fence