Dani_Girl: 514:1000 Here fishy fishy!
Dani_Girl: Market vendor
Dani_Girl: Hey lady, whatcha doing with that thingamajig? TtV
Dani_Girl: South seas Angela TtV
Dani_Girl: Ice cream TtV
Dani_Girl: Birds on a triangle
Dani_Girl: Green door TtV
Dani_Girl: Earrings for sale TtV
Dani_Girl: Rainbow bistro TtV
Dani_Girl: Have you read the news today, oh yeah TtV
Dani_Girl: The Laff, TtV
Dani_Girl: Kindness meters, TtV
Dani_Girl: Jenny
Dani_Girl: Angela the human tripod and Jenny's SP
Dani_Girl: Window shopping
Dani_Girl: Anna and Sharon
Dani_Girl: 515:1000 Justin, our fearless photowalk leader