Inside the summer house. Both windows look out over the ocean, which we suspect is there because we hear waves and foghorns, but have yet to see more than 50 feet of it.
Why yes, this is another driving-on-the-bridge shot. I am *such* a tourist. I could probably sell these shots, you know. It's not easy making good scenery look this cheesy.
Bedford Basin, as seen from the MacKay bridge. I wanted to stop because an international naval fleet was in town for the Queen, but stopping on the bridge seemed imprudent. Thus the flyby and really not very good shot.
Almost did the Alexander Keith's brewery tour, but the kids were squirrelly and it was an hour-long tour so we hiked the hell up the hill to the Citadel instead. That wore 'em out!
A bunch of people looking at the spot where the Queen will be two hours hence. So not waiting for that with all three kids.
Lucas and Beloved at the seashore. We really like the ocean. Well, we think we like it. We've still only seen about 50 feet of it. The fog is supposed to lift late tomorrow.
Can you spot the sea glass? In an hour I filled two pockets full. It's everywhere, and lovely, if you don't think of it as garbage that someone threw into the ocean.
I think maybe it's just foggy here all the time, because the fog hasn't lifted since we arrived 30 hrs ago. I've learned a lot about how to shoot fog. Did you know that your white balance is daylight, not cloudy? And it's a lot brighter than you expect.
We collected sea glass and shells for an hour and were soaked through from the mist. I can still taste the salt. This is the beach out front of our summer house -- I keep pinching myself.