Dani_Girl: 429:1000 Spring at the park TtV
Dani_Girl: Beach Buddies
Dani_Girl: 432:1000 Splash TtV
Dani_Girl: That`s COLD!
Dani_Girl: 434:1000 Hello rock!
Dani_Girl: 436:1000 Puzzle bokeh
Dani_Girl: 438:1000 Book club
Dani_Girl: 440:1000 At the firestation TtV
Dani_Girl: 449:1000 Yoshiback ride
Dani_Girl: 457:1000 Feeding the geese
Dani_Girl: 464:1000 Wheeee, bubbles!
Dani_Girl: 468:1000 Doggy love
Dani_Girl: 472:1000 Golden boy ttv
Dani_Girl: 477:1000 Lazy Sunday afternoon
Dani_Girl: 480:1000 Lucas reflected
Dani_Girl: this is the moon dark as a bird wing & softer, he said & at that moment I knew only the joy of my child
Dani_Girl: 486b:1000 Sprinkler Jump!
Dani_Girl: 490:1000 Blank slate
Dani_Girl: Mmmm, ice cream!