The Postal Museum: Birmingham - postman clearing a pillar box
The Postal Museum: Postman emptying a letter box - Lantern Slide
The Postal Museum: Moor Park - collection with baby van
The Postal Museum: Fluted pillar box
The Postal Museum: Old pillar box
The Postal Museum: Air Mail pillar box - notice of removal
The Postal Museum: Liverpool Special pillar box
The Postal Museum: Moor Park - collection from pillar box with baby van
The Postal Museum: Pillar box, Kilmarnock
The Postal Museum: Man posts mail into a post box
The Postal Museum: Queen Victoria 'Suttie' Scottish Pillar Box
The Postal Museum: Guernsey pillar box, rear view
The Postal Museum: Guernsey pillar box
The Postal Museum: Pillar box, Bilston
The Postal Museum: Guernsey pillar box, left rear view
The Postal Museum: A lady posts a letter into a King George VI Pillar Box
The Postal Museum: King George VI Pillar Box
The Postal Museum: Postwoman collecting from letter box
The Postal Museum: Postwoman collecting from letter box
The Postal Museum: Moor Park - collection from pillar box
The Postal Museum: Postman collecting mail
The Postal Museum: Postman clearing pillar box
The Postal Museum: Buxton - Penfold letter box
The Postal Museum: London Postman - clearing a letter box
The Postal Museum: Postman emptying postboxes outside St Pauls
The Postal Museum: Moor Park - stamp machine
The Postal Museum: Old Penfold pillar box, Brecon, mid-Wales
The Postal Museum: Victoria Regina pillar box
The Postal Museum: Postman clearing a pillar box
The Postal Museum: 1853 Guernsey pillar box