The Gallia County Historical Society: Eugenia "Jean" Gardner pol813
The Gallia County Historical Society: Eugenia "Jean" Gardner pol879
The Gallia County Historical Society: Marjorie Saunders Mink pol873
The Gallia County Historical Society: Ann Hardway Brown pol801
The Gallia County Historical Society: Martha McKean Brown pol886
The Gallia County Historical Society: Marlene Fraley Davis pol869
The Gallia County Historical Society: Mildred Jones Thomas pol833
The Gallia County Historical Society: Sandra Montgomery Thompson pol826
The Gallia County Historical Society: Karen Beattie Marr pol820
The Gallia County Historical Society: Beverly Harrison pol808
The Gallia County Historical Society: Mary Beth Schuldt Mossbarger Coleman pol806
The Gallia County Historical Society: Virginia Barnett Tackett pol799
The Gallia County Historical Society: Reda Gibson Fowler pol878
The Gallia County Historical Society: Mary Biddle Halliday pol863
The Gallia County Historical Society: Sandy Forth Queen pol854
The Gallia County Historical Society: Mary Lou Cormany pol834
The Gallia County Historical Society: Carolyn Stowers Neal pol829
The Gallia County Historical Society: Elaine Roberts Basil pol828