Positively Phototactic:
Streets of Bucharest
Positively Phototactic:
Streets of Bucharest
Positively Phototactic:
Streets of Bucharest
Positively Phototactic:
Parcul Cişimigiu
Positively Phototactic:
Parcul Cişimigiu
Positively Phototactic:
The door into summer
Positively Phototactic:
Positively Phototactic:
Streets of Bucharest
Positively Phototactic:
Parcul Cişimigiu
Positively Phototactic:
Parcul Cişimigiu
Positively Phototactic:
Streets of Bucharest
Positively Phototactic:
Streets of Bucharest
Positively Phototactic:
Streets of Bucharest
Positively Phototactic:
Streets of Bucharest
Positively Phototactic:
Streets of Bucharest
Positively Phototactic:
Streets of Bucharest
Positively Phototactic:
Streets of Bucharest
Positively Phototactic:
Summer afternoon
Positively Phototactic:
Lady Architecture
Positively Phototactic:
Nap time
Positively Phototactic:
The Bard
Positively Phototactic:
Well worn
Positively Phototactic:
1st of December
Positively Phototactic:
Ten past five, Bucharest time
Positively Phototactic:
November colors
Positively Phototactic:
Obor After Dark
Positively Phototactic:
Crow factory
Positively Phototactic:
The return of film
Positively Phototactic:
Brave Michael
Positively Phototactic: