PortugePunk: patroling the tail end
PortugePunk: the boys
PortugePunk: flooding hollywood & highland
PortugePunk: love unites.. so says shepard
PortugePunk: my pal, norman
PortugePunk: on the move
PortugePunk: low po po
PortugePunk: live in love
PortugePunk: stand off
PortugePunk: ready for a standoff
PortugePunk: documenters/protesters
PortugePunk: mike does
PortugePunk: i just want to love
PortugePunk: po-pos
PortugePunk: Hollywood Blvd. - looking East
PortugePunk: Prop 8 Rally - Hollywood & Highland
PortugePunk: hand-made protest
PortugePunk: cowards
PortugePunk: dennis - in an american flag
PortugePunk: flooding hollywood
PortugePunk: prop 8 souvenirs
PortugePunk: (G)ay (A)nd (P)roud?
PortugePunk: marching up highland
PortugePunk: magic mike flipcam-ing the event
PortugePunk: marching up highland
PortugePunk: Prop 8 Rally - Hollywood & Highland
PortugePunk: victims of h8
PortugePunk: Prop 8 Rally - Hollywood & Highland
PortugePunk: Prop 8 Rally - Hollywood & Highland
PortugePunk: love not h8