Photos by Portland_Mike:
haunted white house
Photos by Portland_Mike:
hudson sisters - crack me up
Photos by Portland_Mike:
Joan Crawford - bad reception
Photos by Portland_Mike:
But ya are Blanche
Photos by Portland_Mike:
Whatever happened to the Hudson sisters?
Photos by Portland_Mike:
miss joan crawford b&w & photoshop
Photos by Portland_Mike:
Joan Crawford ala Keene
Photos by Portland_Mike:
blind among the flowers
Photos by Portland_Mike:
bozo goes berzerk 4x6 postcard
Photos by Portland_Mike:
"under the bed"
Photos by Portland_Mike:
gasoline girl
Photos by Portland_Mike:
5 mona lisa's playing poker
Photos by Portland_Mike:
some goard art figurines
Photos by Portland_Mike:
official stoneware of pirates
Photos by Portland_Mike:
other - found object piece
Photos by Portland_Mike:
time 4 you - found object clock
Photos by Portland_Mike:
be on time - found object clock and tin
Photos by Portland_Mike:
rusty found object baby doll
Photos by Portland_Mike:
rusty metal found object de'art
Photos by Portland_Mike:
frightening clown sculpture
Photos by Portland_Mike:
beach cleanup baby doll
Photos by Portland_Mike:
found object chinook salmon
Photos by Portland_Mike:
beach cleanup chinook salmon art piece
Photos by Portland_Mike:
recycled sport equipment table
Photos by Portland_Mike:
glazed and raku fired cups
Photos by Portland_Mike:
salt fire glazed bowl
Photos by Portland_Mike:
trio of churches - painting
Photos by Portland_Mike:
handiwork of ETC?
Photos by Portland_Mike:
there's no 'H' in CLOWN
Photos by Portland_Mike:
eat me pickle