Christophe Porteneuve: Unpacking at Dolphin House
Christophe Porteneuve: Another angle at the bedroom
Christophe Porteneuve: Final bedroom angle
Christophe Porteneuve: The hall of our apartment
Christophe Porteneuve: The living room in our apartment
Christophe Porteneuve: Another living room angle
Christophe Porteneuve: The mini-kitchen, from the living room
Christophe Porteneuve: Élodie by St George Square
Christophe Porteneuve: St George Square, from the street
Christophe Porteneuve: St George Church in Pimlico
Christophe Porteneuve: Detail of St George Church
Christophe Porteneuve: Westminster Abbey
Christophe Porteneuve: A nice-looking entrance
Christophe Porteneuve: A beautiful streetlight
Christophe Porteneuve: Detail of Westminster Abbey
Christophe Porteneuve: Christophe before Westminster
Christophe Porteneuve: Big Ben from afar
Christophe Porteneuve: Westminster Abbey from back to front
Christophe Porteneuve: A street in Chinatown
Christophe Porteneuve: A street in Chinatown
Christophe Porteneuve: A street in Chinatown
Christophe Porteneuve: The Three Greyhounds
Christophe Porteneuve: Waiting for a spot at our beloved Ed's Diner
Christophe Porteneuve: Élodie going crazy with yummy junk food
Christophe Porteneuve: Lovely vaults at Lush in Covent Garden
Christophe Porteneuve: Élodie would love to buy it all!
Christophe Porteneuve: Some names just don't translate well