prestonciere: Sant'Agnese in Agone - 85/365
prestonciere: St. Peter's Storm - 86/365
prestonciere: Dark St. Peter's - 87/365
prestonciere: Moses by Michelangelo - 88/365
prestonciere: Trapped In Church - 89/365
prestonciere: Pan and Fornarina - 90/365
prestonciere: From Ponte Sant'Angelo - 91/365
prestonciere: The Coliseum - 92/365
prestonciere: Sunny At the Vatican - 93/365
prestonciere: St. Peter's from the south - 94/365
prestonciere: Self Portrait - 95/365
prestonciere: Dome, Basilica di Sant'Andrea delle Fratte - 96/365
prestonciere: Apollo 2 Dafne - 97/365
prestonciere: Vatican Neighbourhood - 98/365
prestonciere: Not Wine - 100/365
prestonciere: Mom at Church - 101/365
prestonciere: Me, Spiralling - 102/365
prestonciere: Made it! - 99/365
prestonciere: Pete's Square - 103/365
prestonciere: The Stairs - 104/365
prestonciere: Chocolates From Around The World - 105/365
prestonciere: (Blank) Filming myself - 107/365
prestonciere: Angel Past The Arch - 108/365
prestonciere: The Family and I - 109/365
prestonciere: Not Covid (part 7?) - 110/365
prestonciere: St. Ivo alla Sapienza - 111/365