SandyEm: Whitefaced Heron at floodgate
SandyEm: Whitefaced Heron 2
SandyEm: Whitefaced Heron 1
SandyEm: Better days 2
SandyEm: Better days 1
SandyEm: Seafarer 2
SandyEm: Seafarer 1
SandyEm: Picket line
SandyEm: Balmy Palm house
SandyEm: Hedging its bets
SandyEm: mini-scule
SandyEm: Back seat ivy
SandyEm: Rust never sleeps
SandyEm: Colonial cuteness
SandyEm: Cottage light
SandyEm: Does my Egretta novaehollandiae butt look big in this
SandyEm: Doing the Egretta walk
SandyEm: Pied Shag - Phalacrocorax carbo 2
SandyEm: Pied Shag - Phalacrocorax carbo
SandyEm: Probably White Fronted Tern [Sterna striata]
SandyEm: Sacred Kingfisher [Todiramphus sanctus]
SandyEm: White Faced Heron - Egretta novaehollandiae
SandyEm: White Faced Herons - Egretta novaehollandiae and Pied Shags [Phalacrocorax carbo] partying
SandyEm: Walkabout
SandyEm: Walkabout
SandyEm: Walkabout
SandyEm: Walkabout
SandyEm: Walkabout
SandyEm: Walkabout - G. Waldron & Sons Manufacturing Confectioner building
SandyEm: Walkabout - G. Waldron & Sons Manufacturing Confectioner building