poqua: The DIRT service crew relaxes under the crackling powerlines
poqua: The Hungry Valley service area from the bottom of the hill
poqua: Looking for a better view at the top of the hill
poqua: Up a pylon
poqua: Loren's tower of power
poqua: The Hungry Valley service area from the top of the hill
poqua: Jackson Rally crosses the finish line
poqua: Skid plate after 12 stages
poqua: Lights off
poqua: Lights on. Aah my eyes!
poqua: The Tommy Gun Rally car crosses the finish line
poqua: Eli and Mindy finish
poqua: The two DIRT cars post-rally
poqua: DIRT crew reflects on the day
poqua: Number panel
poqua: Battle damage
poqua: Champagne celebration
poqua: Winners
poqua: The Marciniaks
poqua: RallyNotes.com team photo
poqua: Bill's new truck
poqua: Jon Burke taming El Blendero
poqua: The margaritas were actually not bad
poqua: Watching Jon's in-car footage