poppycedes: Santa Fe Brewing Company
poppycedes: Hoodlums
poppycedes: Santa Fe Brewing Company outdoors
poppycedes: Rachel and Wayne posing for me, indefinitely
poppycedes: Robin, Sarah, Rachel, Wayne, Karl
poppycedes: My Java Stout 8%, his Belgian 6%
poppycedes: SFBC menu, the bill
poppycedes: Chicken Killer Barley Wine
poppycedes: Dawg's angus burger
poppycedes: Hefeweizen 5%
poppycedes: Nut Brown 5%
poppycedes: Rachel and Wayne taking a phot of themselves!
poppycedes: Whall, Reba, Marty, Ren
poppycedes: The master at work
poppycedes: Popstar and Bella
poppycedes: It's great to be a lady :)
poppycedes: Green chile cheese nachos
poppycedes: Rachel wants you to know she has fabulous boobies
poppycedes: Dancing Libragirl, Binary Whall