poppycedes: Dawg driving to dance music
poppycedes: Dawggy
poppycedes: On the way to...
poppycedes: Creepy creep show
poppycedes: Train station at Coney Island - where the F train goes!
poppycedes: BASKET BALL GAME
poppycedes: BASKET BALL GAME, Dawg working the meter
poppycedes: SHOOT OUT THE STAR
poppycedes: Nathan's HOT DOG EATING CONTEST
poppycedes: The original Nathan's Famous Frankfurters
poppycedes: Candy stand
poppycedes: Candy stand
poppycedes: CLAM BAR
poppycedes: Dawg evil eyeing me inside Nathan's
poppycedes: Dawg taking a photo of his food
poppycedes: Corn dog, bacon cheese fries
poppycedes: CORN DOG!
poppycedes: Nathan's Famous fries in a bag, with a devil pitchfork to eat them with
poppycedes: Pigeons!
poppycedes: Pigeon!
poppycedes: Pigeons at an OT DOG EATING CONTEST"
poppycedes: SHORE
poppycedes: Dawg and the Clam Bar sign
poppycedes: The original Nathan's Famous Frankfurters
poppycedes: The original Nathan's Famous Frankfurters
poppycedes: Parachute Jump at Coney Island
poppycedes: Poppy and Dawg at Nathan's
poppycedes: Poppy and Dawg at Nathan's
poppycedes: Poppy and Dawg and the homeless man at Nathan's
poppycedes: The original Nathan's Famous Frankfurters