nathan.hurn: Xstrata rail hopper in Carrington siding
nathan.hurn: XRN011 on a Quad-Header
nathan.hurn: IMG_3013
nathan.hurn: IMG_3012
nathan.hurn: IMG_2993
nathan.hurn: IMG_3481
nathan.hurn: IMG_3483
nathan.hurn: XRN 007, 006 and 010 crawl to a stop at East Maitland
nathan.hurn: IMG_5699
nathan.hurn: IMG_5695
nathan.hurn: IMG_5677
nathan.hurn: IMG_5609
nathan.hurn: XRN001 Leads an empty coal service
nathan.hurn: Crossing Coalies
nathan.hurn: XRN006 leading a Trio of XRN's on an empty coal service at Maitland
nathan.hurn: XRN010 with 2 sister XRN's make there way towards singleton and beyond
nathan.hurn: XRN 010, 008 and ??? through Victoria St Station
nathan.hurn: XRN 024 leading the way through Maitland
nathan.hurn: XRN 024
nathan.hurn: XRN 016 bearing down at Maitland
nathan.hurn: XRN 006 leads an unloaded coal service through Maitland
nathan.hurn: XRN008 / XRN019 / XRN013
nathan.hurn: XRN021 / XRN029 / XRN018
nathan.hurn: XRN003 / XRN026 / XRN???