Poppins Mosaics and Crafts: tile wall hanging1
Poppins Mosaics and Crafts: Roman Girl wall hanging2
Poppins Mosaics and Crafts: pink on pink tile
Poppins Mosaics and Crafts: African Ladies finished
Poppins Mosaics and Crafts: Hanging tile with Ovissi print
Poppins Mosaics and Crafts: Mucha transfer , painted to brighten and clay edged
Poppins Mosaics and Crafts: Mucha tile unpainted
Poppins Mosaics and Crafts: Wall Hanging Lace
Poppins Mosaics and Crafts: Egyptian tile upclose
Poppins Mosaics and Crafts: Egyptian face on tile
Poppins Mosaics and Crafts: Ovissi print with gold and red ribbon
Poppins Mosaics and Crafts: Hanging small tiles with glitter
Poppins Mosaics and Crafts: bottom tile on hanging tile
Poppins Mosaics and Crafts: top tile showing glitter
Poppins Mosaics and Crafts: African girls with first frame
Poppins Mosaics and Crafts: Lavender fairy for baby Summer
Poppins Mosaics and Crafts: Fairy series no 4
Poppins Mosaics and Crafts: Cat mosaic under pegola