POPOEVER: 从 iPad 上控制自己的 workstation
POPOEVER: 截屏立存偶的网易围脖
POPOEVER: 网易微博开始被维护
POPOEVER: Scratch in iDraft, actually a concept art of new project logo
POPOEVER: 右下角发现一枚推广
POPOEVER: My iPad desktop wallpaper
POPOEVER: Just purchased HTML5 FOR WEB DESIGNERS ePub version with 50% discount
POPOEVER: Design the hybrid city @ Dutch Culture Center
POPOEVER: Design the hybrid city @ DCC
POPOEVER: 新单位 graffiti
POPOEVER: 新单位 graffiti
POPOEVER: Graffiti while Isaac was addressing speech on Design the Hybrid City yesterday
POPOEVER: Substrate
POPOEVER: Cherry's abstract
POPOEVER: iTunes 说“正在更新 iPad 固件...”
POPOEVER: 在 iPad 上自制教丸子认时间的时钟
POPOEVER: 丸子正在涂鸦
POPOEVER: Just purchased Autodesk Sketchbook
POPOEVER: Android 小绿人入侵 iPad
POPOEVER: iPad 的逆袭:“脱下你滴裤子,露出谷歌滴球!”
POPOEVER: 简单的 Google+ wallpaper for iPad,在 Adobe Idea 里戳的
POPOEVER: 又戳了个 Google+ 的壁纸,为了这个还在 Adobe Ideas 里面买了 Layer
POPOEVER: 几天前测试 iPad 绘图 app 随便乱涂的 Facebook and GFW
POPOEVER: 收拾一下书房,理出一堆设备
POPOEVER: 各式各样都有,还有几个叠不上去了
POPOEVER: 叠叠乐,可以做屏保吧
POPOEVER: 叠叠乐,都认出来了么?