popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Not mushroom left in that basket
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Italian mushroom hunters
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Brians just not convinced about a vegetarian diet
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Gorgeous butterfly but what is it?
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Mountain butterfly
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
The mountains were on fire with butterflies and horse flies
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Mountain Storm
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Jesey Tiger Moth
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Spike posing
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Red Admiral on a banana tree
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Argynnis adippe, High Brown Fritillary
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Abruzzo - its cool in the mountains
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
My friends and my guides
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Sun Flower
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Woodland fire in Teramo Province of Abruzzo Italy
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Vigili del fuoco in Abruzzo
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Abruzzo mountains in summer
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Close up of the geological strata
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Trekking today at Prati di Tivo, Abruzzo, Italy
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Even the trees dance to a different tune in Abruzzo
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
A view toward the coast from way up high
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Peacock on the mountain flowers of Abruzzo
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
The Observatory at Campo Imperatore
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Campo Imperatore in bloom
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Campo Imperatore in summer
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
The horses of Campo Imperatore
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Civetta or Little Owl
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Mont Blanc
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Abruzzo, the greenest region in Europe
popinjaykev - living the Italian dream:
Gran Sasso D'Italia