pope24: Carnival City for the Crowded House concert.
pope24: Kelly Christmas lunch mains
pope24: Kelly Christmas lunch. Starters
pope24: Kelly Christmas lunch mains 2
pope24: Anti-gravity jam
pope24: Kelly Christmas lunch mains 3
pope24: Lunch at Lunar Cafe Knysna. Great coffee limited vegetarian options.
pope24: The view this afternoon
pope24: Wild oats farmers market sedgefield. 100 types of awesome.
pope24: Forest road. Knysna.
pope24: Lego. Ftw.
pope24: The waterfall at the end of the expedition. Time for brunch.
pope24: Victoria bay on a cool, muggy day.
pope24: Map of Africa. Wilderness.
pope24: Abandoning the canoes for the second part of the expedition
pope24: First day of school
pope24: Northcliff hill shrouded in mist.
pope24: In class and ready to go
pope24: Ignoring this sign. Going for a walk along the train tracks. Wilderness to Victoria bay.
pope24: The difference between fixing the gate after you drive your car into it and making it work do it will open and close properly.
pope24: Easter Monday picnic. Love Jozi.
pope24: Someone in my house is a bit of a Joker.
pope24: Red pandas are the joburg zoo. My fav animal at the whole place.
pope24: Sundown at the local park
pope24: Apparently if you are on princess of wales terrace in Jozi it's ok to use imperial
pope24: First view this morning
pope24: Joburg autumn sky
pope24: Danny de Wet. (serious headcase)
pope24: Ice Project in concert