Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - the S.H.I.E.L.D. sign up tent
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - the S.H.I.E.L.D. sign up tent
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - Join S.H.I.E.L.D. sign
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - Have you seen this man? (Thor poster)
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - S.H.I.E.L.D. agents
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - Doctor Who banner outside the convention center
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - Doctor Who banner outside the convention center
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - Jean Grey and Cyclops costumes
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - Lord of the Rings: War in the North game banner
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - Welcome to WonderCon!
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - Supergirl costume
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - the Last Airbender costumes
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - the Green Lantern
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - Green Lantern movie ring
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern statue
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - Frank Quitely signing at the DC booth
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - Nintendo booth
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - gamers try out the new 3DS at the Nintendo booth
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - Green Lantern comic action figures
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - Green Lantern comic action figures
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - Archaia booth
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - Marvel vs Capcom 3 demos at the Capcom booth
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - trying out Super Street Fighter IV for the Nintendo 3DS at the Capcom booth
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - animated Avengers banner at the Marvel booth
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - Henchman #21, Dr Mrs the Monarch, and the Monarch from the Venture Bros
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - Henchman #21 from the Venture Bros
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - IDW booth
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - Thor and Captain America movie banners at the Marvel booth
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - werewolf costume
Doug Kline: WonderCon 2011 - Mandalorian armor