Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - information about the art on display
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - the crowds keep filling the gallery
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - the 16th and final print in the series
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - the 16th print signed by Damon and Carlton
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - the limited edition shirt made available at the gallery, based on one of the more popular prints
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - interior of the limited edition shirt
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - tag on the limited edition shirt
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - what the front of the line looks like (notice how the windows are covered to prevent anyone from seeing inside)
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - my position in line, looking toward the gallery
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - the line of fans stretches down Melrose
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - DJ Menoman in his Dharma jumpsuit
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - DJ Menoman Dharma jumpsuit (back)
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - fan shows off the 16th print to the waiting line of fans outside
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - fan shows off the best Team Jacob shirt evar!!!
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - fans pack the room
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - artwork on display
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - Ronie Midfew Arts on the front window of the gallery
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - Dharma jumpsuited DJ Menoman with EW's Totally Lost Dan Snierson and Jeff (Doc) Jensen
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - the Hatch
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - the exclusive 16th print on display
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - Misha "Damon, Carlton, and a Polar Bear"
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - LOST executive producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof chat with CNN
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - LOST executive producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof being interviewed
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - wall to wall people fill the gallery
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - Danielle Buerli "The Dharma Bear"
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - Wade Schin "Locke" and "Hurley"
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - LOST executive producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - LOST executive producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof talk with Doc Jensen of EW
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - Jeremy Asher Lynch "Ellie Is Lost With The Others"
Doug Kline: LOST Underground Art Project @ Gallery 1988 - Mark Bodnar "Oh Smoke Monster"