Stephen Edmonds: Joji and Gerry setting up
Stephen Edmonds: The room starts to fill up
Stephen Edmonds: More setup
Stephen Edmonds: Getting fuller
Stephen Edmonds: Waiting for the talks to begin
Stephen Edmonds: Introductions
Stephen Edmonds: Joji Mori on Usability in Video
Stephen Edmonds: The audience
Stephen Edmonds: Door prizes
Stephen Edmonds: Full house
Stephen Edmonds: Joji Mori on Usability in Video
Stephen Edmonds: Gerry Gaffney on The Secret Ingredient: Building Corporate Awareness of Usability
Stephen Edmonds: Gerry Gaffney on The Secret Ingredient: Building Corporate Awareness of Usability
Stephen Edmonds: Gerry Gaffney on The Secret Ingredient: Building Corporate Awareness of Usability
Stephen Edmonds: Joji and Gerry answering questions
Stephen Edmonds: Food and drinks
Stephen Edmonds: Synchronised drinking
Stephen Edmonds: Casual conversations
Stephen Edmonds: A discussion
Stephen Edmonds: More discussions
Stephen Edmonds: Food dwindles