poorly written history:
(for what i thought i would find in the summer)
poorly written history:
(for a boy who was tall enough to reach the stars)
poorly written history:
(for a boy i was too afraid to visit)
poorly written history:
(for someone who feels important)
poorly written history:
(for a fourteen year old summer crush)
poorly written history:
(for the boy tripping over possibility)
poorly written history:
(for a boy who held my heart in his hands before he even knew it)
poorly written history:
(for what happens after you move on)
poorly written history:
(for the boy who lived by the water tower)
poorly written history:
(for birthdays)
poorly written history:
(for the boy with the nickname)
poorly written history:
(for the one by the lake)
poorly written history:
(for the ride home)
poorly written history:
(for young love)
poorly written history:
(for the boy with the backpack)
poorly written history:
(for the bad actors)
poorly written history:
(for the boy with the fling)
poorly written history:
(for the boy in ohio)
poorly written history:
(for a boy who was always something old and something new)
poorly written history:
(for a boy i wanted to believe)
poorly written history:
(for the boy with notes in his pockets)
poorly written history:
(for the cartographers)
poorly written history:
(for the conversations we are afraid to have)
poorly written history:
(for the boy with the comic books)
poorly written history:
for the boy with outlandish plans,