Poorfish: 破船喷泉 Fontana della Barcaccia
Poorfish: 太阳方尖碑 Solar Obelisk
Poorfish: Nove of Gesù
Poorfish: 主名得胜 Triumph of the Sacred Name of Jesus
Poorfish: 天堂 Vision of Heaven
Poorfish: 许愿池 Trevi Fountain
Poorfish: NY5A3367
Poorfish: 海神喷泉 Fountain of Neptune
Poorfish: 摩尔人喷泉 Moor Fountain
Poorfish: 万神殿喷泉 Fountain of the Pantheon
Poorfish: 四河喷泉 The Fountain of the Four Rivers
Poorfish: NY5A2870
Poorfish: NY5A2866
Poorfish: NY5A3478
Poorfish: NY5A3458
Poorfish: NY5A3452
Poorfish: NY5A3449
Poorfish: NY5A3431
Poorfish: NY5A3384
Poorfish: NY5A3402
Poorfish: NY5A3398
Poorfish: NY5A3387
Poorfish: NY5A3393
Poorfish: Night bus
Poorfish: Castel
Poorfish: 威尼斯广场 Piazza Venezia
Poorfish: 维克多·埃曼纽尔二世纪念堂 Monumento Nazionale a Vittorio Emanuele II
Poorfish: NY5A2929
Poorfish: NY5A2928
Poorfish: 无名烈士墓 Tomb of the Unknown Soldier