Poorfish: Wall 印经院的墙
Poorfish: Colorful Window 漂亮的窗
Poorfish: Buddhist Scripture 甘珠尔
Poorfish: Template of the Bkah-Hgyur 《甘珠尔》经版经版
Poorfish: Wheeler 转经人
Poorfish: Ten Powerful Elements 十相自在
Poorfish: Marnyi Stones 玛尼堆
Poorfish: Window
Poorfish: Marnyi Stone 玛尼石
Poorfish: Kitchen in Light 厨房的光线
Poorfish: Kitchenware 厨具
Poorfish: Little Monk 小扎巴
Poorfish: The Main Temple 更庆寺大殿
Poorfish: Vajra Pestle & Vajra Bell 金刚杵与金刚铃
Poorfish: Desk 喇嘛的经台
Poorfish: 经文上的金钢杵 Vajra Pestle & Buddhist Scripture
Poorfish: Vajra Pestle 金钢杵
Poorfish: Tibetan Barley 青稞
Poorfish: Incense Burner 香炉
Poorfish: Drum 鼓
Poorfish: Enjoy Breakfast 早餐
Poorfish: Cupboard 厨柜
Poorfish: Kitchen Stove 厨灶
Poorfish: Cleared Ghee Lamps 擦好的酥油灯
Poorfish: Make Breakfast 准备早餐
Poorfish: Make Breakfast 准备早餐
Poorfish: Wipe Ghee Lamps
Poorfish: 香炉 Incense Burner