christayayaya: 20090316-IMG_0188-2
christayayaya: Oh HAI.
christayayaya: Flowers
christayayaya: Most awesome breakfast in the history of the universe
christayayaya: During the day, fireworks look like smoke bombs
christayayaya: Attack of the bug!
christayayaya: Camp caterpillar
christayayaya: BBQ shoes
christayayaya: Shuffling at the K-fish
christayayaya: Festive decor!
christayayaya: Orange lunch
christayayaya: Hachapi Bear off guard
christayayaya: Hachapi Bear profile
christayayaya: On the road
christayayaya: Scenic tufa
christayayaya: Mammoth Lake
christayayaya: The Birds
christayayaya: Cliffs of Moher
christayayaya: Cliffs of Mohair
christayayaya: Oakland sunset
christayayaya: Sunset from the kitchen
christayayaya: Sunset from our kitchen