pooncu: WHere IS MY CUstomer
pooncu: STreet VEndor
pooncu: WAiting FOr BUSiness
pooncu: FUrniture DElivery
pooncu: FUll OF COlour
pooncu: LAdy CArrying WAter
pooncu: HElp ME BUy SOme
pooncu: MOuntain LAyers
pooncu: WAnna BUy SOme
pooncu: HOrse Hair
pooncu: GUilin PAgoda
pooncu: Erhu Player
pooncu: OLd MUsician
pooncu: FIsherman
pooncu: LOng LIfe
pooncu: BIg ARch
pooncu: STreet HAwker
pooncu: WHat's THere
pooncu: ANxious TO REturn HOme
pooncu: GOlden ROck CAve
pooncu: SElling SAlted FISh
pooncu: ABsstract BLue
pooncu: BAoZi CHinese BReakfast
pooncu: GIant CHandelier
pooncu: CHinese CHess PLaying