rhymeswithsp00n: 1.52: innocent crush
rhymeswithsp00n: 2.52: shelter from the storm
rhymeswithsp00n: 4.52: at last
rhymeswithsp00n: 5.52: hot dougs iz seriouz bizness
rhymeswithsp00n: 6.52: off kilter
rhymeswithsp00n: 7.52: barely there
rhymeswithsp00n: 8.52: for scale
rhymeswithsp00n: 9.52: crimson
rhymeswithsp00n: 11.52: in the field
rhymeswithsp00n: 12.52: these boots were made for walking
rhymeswithsp00n: 14.52: go cubs!
rhymeswithsp00n: 13.52: scrap happy
rhymeswithsp00n: 17.52: breadwinner
rhymeswithsp00n: 18.52: file under blurry but awesome
rhymeswithsp00n: 19.52: twitter made me do it
rhymeswithsp00n: 21.52: two of a kind
rhymeswithsp00n: 22.52: mo & me
rhymeswithsp00n: 23.52: unknown unknowns
rhymeswithsp00n: 24.52: buried
rhymeswithsp00n: 25.52: stache that
rhymeswithsp00n: 27.52: how do i explain?