rhymeswithsp00n: YIP 365.191: peter easy
rhymeswithsp00n: YIP 365.184: two's a pair
rhymeswithsp00n: crochet hook roll #2 (inside)
rhymeswithsp00n: crochet hook roll #2 (inside)
rhymeswithsp00n: crochet hook roll #1 (inside)
rhymeswithsp00n: crochet hook roll #1 (inside)
rhymeswithsp00n: YIP 365.180: go gocco!
rhymeswithsp00n: christmas card back
rhymeswithsp00n: mushroom + bokeh
rhymeswithsp00n: i could probably look more enthused about my handknit sweater
rhymeswithsp00n: honeycomb (in action)
rhymeswithsp00n: YIP 365.170: under the wire
rhymeswithsp00n: SC3 October block 2 Cathy
rhymeswithsp00n: SC3 October block for twiddletails
rhymeswithsp00n: SC3 October block 1 for Cathy
rhymeswithsp00n: for scale
rhymeswithsp00n: 365.150: finally!
rhymeswithsp00n: 365.148: almost
rhymeswithsp00n: YIP 365.141: no monkeying around here
rhymeswithsp00n: together
rhymeswithsp00n: YIP 365.138: overdue
rhymeswithsp00n: SC3 block for Ashley
rhymeswithsp00n: SC3 block # 1 for John
rhymeswithsp00n: SC3 block #2 for John
rhymeswithsp00n: YIP 365.115: hooked
rhymeswithsp00n: YIP 365.111 kthxbai!
rhymeswithsp00n: SC3 July block for Darci
rhymeswithsp00n: YIP 365.83: barcelona
rhymeswithsp00n: sporting the barcelona
rhymeswithsp00n: YIP 365.82: modified bento