Toshizoh: shy person ?
Toshizoh: A ladybug
Toshizoh: A little departure
Toshizoh: ノゲシの綿毛
Toshizoh: What fruit will this be?
Toshizoh: A hydrangea and a bee
Toshizoh: Enoshima Aquarium #4
Toshizoh: Enoshima Aquarium #3
Toshizoh: 野紺菊 #3
Toshizoh: A harlequin bug
Toshizoh: A drop of water on the lotus
Toshizoh: The leaf of the lotus
Toshizoh: A drop of water on the petal
Toshizoh: 収穫を終えて
Toshizoh: Lakeside scenery
Toshizoh: 僕が見た秋#2
Toshizoh: 枯れゆく花と、実りつつある種子
Toshizoh: An acorn
Toshizoh: Green
Toshizoh: Sunlight
Toshizoh: Cactuses
Toshizoh: Bench of the shade of a tree
Toshizoh: 7月の田んぼ
Toshizoh: ヒグラシ
Toshizoh: Sunlight
Toshizoh: アキアカネの頃
Toshizoh: 秋の梢で
Toshizoh: Autumn of the field
Toshizoh: 雨上がりの原っぱ
Toshizoh: 雑木林の印象