Poofy: Little Peter
Poofy: Me and Peter
Poofy: Me an My Sis
Poofy: Me Feeding the Pidgens
Poofy: In Central Park, And Lovin it!
Poofy: Kaden, My Baby
Poofy: Charlie and Green
Poofy: Me on the Cursed Rock
Poofy: We Survived!
Poofy: Outside the Cyclone
Poofy: Me and Tony Goldwyn
Poofy: Booma enjoying the new tree! :D
Poofy: Lil Booma! Isn't so so fluffy and cute?
Poofy: Me and Kyle Barisich
Poofy: Me in the Gershwin Theater
Poofy: Penny, Me and Katie Rose Clark
Poofy: DSC02657
Poofy: DSC02672
Poofy: Zoofy and Kyle Barisich!
Poofy: Woofy and Marni Raab!
Poofy: Zoofy and Marni Raab!
Poofy: Matt DeAngelis and ME!
Poofy: Me and Larkin Bogan
Poofy: Me and Phyre Hawkins
Poofy: The Berlin Wall, and My Fam
Poofy: Woofy and Zoofy