poobou: To whoever came up with the idea of putting video games in the dentist waiting room: God bless you.
poobou: Monster Truck ride
poobou: Lucy on the merry-go-round
poobou: Merry-go-round
poobou: Catie doesn't like rides that involve heights, and neither do I, so I was happy to wait on the ground with her while everyone else did the scary rides.
poobou: Crazy girls on a train ride
poobou: Candy apple as big as Lucy's face. (She ate the whole thing.)
poobou: Lucy's already learned to throw her hands up in the air when she's on a roller coaster. Scares me to death.
poobou: Spider web rope course at Green Acres Farm
poobou: Girls on swings
poobou: "Look how high I can swing!"
poobou: Catie on a pony ride
poobou: Lucy on a pony ride
poobou: On a hayride with my babies.
poobou: Lucy loved the bungee trampoline thing. She could've bounced there all day.
poobou: Tiny girl flying high in the air
poobou: Catie also did the trampoline bungee thing, but she was a lot more cautious about it. I was proud of her for trying.
poobou: Lucy convinced Catie to try this swing ride with her.
poobou: Lucy kept checking over her shoulder at Catie. "See? It's fun, not scary!" Sweet girl.
poobou: They both loved the swing ride!
poobou: Her trial class is finished, Catie is officially enrolled in taekwondo. (She was SO excited about her uniform.) This is her serious ready-to-fight face.
poobou: Grandfather Mountain
poobou: Catie & Lucy at an overlook point near Grandfather Mountain
poobou: Grandfather Mountain measuring chart
poobou: The mile-high swinging bridge at Grandfather Mountain!
poobou: The mile-high swinging bridge at Grandfather Mountain!
poobou: I mean, you could do worse as far as views go.
poobou: I swear Lucy is part mountain goat - she was galloping up these ledges until I pulled her back.
poobou: Mimi and her girls taking a rest near the mile-high swinging bridge
poobou: Gratuitous "I'm on a mountain!' selfie