poobou: Lucy's pre-k graduation photo
poobou: "Take a picture of me in my pretty dress!" Well, sure, can't argue with that.
poobou: At Lucy's 1st swim lesson, she cried & refused to even put her feet in the water. Tonight was her 2nd lesson. The teacher let Catie get in to try to coax her through it. She eventually got in the water for a few minutes, so: progress.
poobou: I took Roxie to the groomer and they put a neckerchief on her when they were done. She's so cute I can't stand it.
poobou: Standing with an umbrella under the sprinkler. Because why not.
poobou: Hanging out with statues. As you do.
poobou: I don't normally think my kids look alike. But sometimes they make the same face & it's a little freaky.
poobou: Haircut day!
poobou: Lucy got a haircut too, but she's sticking to her goal to have "long hair like Rapunzel!"
poobou: Impromptu afternoon playdate. With bubbles!
poobou: My tiny girl and tiny dog are competing for lap space. Tiny dog had to settle for the back of the couch cushion.
poobou: It's "Wacky Wednesday" at school, so Catie is wearing her t-shirt backwards, and we did some purple & blue stripes with hair chalk.
poobou: Lucy wasn't going to be left out of the hair chalk fun. Pink, purple, and blue stripes for my tiny girl.
poobou: Last day of daycare and last day of 3rd grade!
poobou: Lucy getting her diploma from Ms. M
poobou: Lucy and Mimi
poobou: Me and my pre-K graduate
poobou: Lucy and her BFF Sophia
poobou: Lucy and her teacher, Ms. Tiara
poobou: Lucy & her Peppa Pig artwork
poobou: Sick day. Poor pumpkin.