poobou: Lucy was upset we ran out of baby carrots. "What can I have with ranch on it?" (She is so my child.) Salad FTW! She's had 2 bowls & counting.
poobou: Spring Break! The Force Awakens Bluray is here! BEST DAY EVER!!
poobou: Lucy & Catie with Mimi's Hawaiian flowers (in front of her giant azalea bush).
poobou: Survived the first half of our journey. Now we're boarded on our flight to Austin!
poobou: Enjoying some in-flight apple juice.
poobou: Pretty great views of the Hill Country at dinner tonight. The kids are cute too.
poobou: Highly recommend the Exotic Safari Zoo in Johnson City, TX. We got to feed and pet llamas, zebras, camels, deer, elk, buffalo and a dozen other animals. SO COOL.
poobou: The flamingo-themed cafe in Austin inspired Catie's art. The center flamingo is wearing a cowboy hat & drinking coffee, the one on the right has a cup of tea. The framed picture is a Willie Nelson flamingo with braids.
poobou: At the Austin airport, about to fly home. They're being extra good so far. Bribes may or may not have been involved.
poobou: Being sweet before our zoo safari trip started. (These moments are rare & usually when they know there's a camera aimed at them.)
poobou: What's the plural of wallaby? Wallabys or wallabies?
poobou: Cutie.
poobou: Well, hello there, Crazy Eyes.
poobou: Lucy face.
poobou: Girls & Tracy on safari!
poobou: These guys ran after the trailer everywhere it went because they knew we had food.
poobou: Llama! (Catie's favorite)
poobou: Catie spent the entire time trying to pet all of the animals. Lucy just wanted to throw them food from a safe distance.
poobou: Kangaroo!
poobou: Big ram. Baby ram.
poobou: Zebras!
poobou: I can't remember what these are (a type of antelope?), but Catie pointed out that their horns look like Maleficent, and that's all I can see.
poobou: Buffalo!
poobou: Catie & the camel (her 2nd favorite).
poobou: "If I had a million dollars... I'd buy you an exotic pet... like a llama or an emu..."
poobou: She's too big for the baby swing, but she still loves it.
poobou: Catie & the goats.
poobou: Catie, Lucy & Tracy waiting for bats
poobou: Bats!
poobou: Tracy & Everett smiling normally, Catie surprised by the camera flash, Lucy being Lucy.