poobou: So, that Timehop "then & now" feature... Wow.
poobou: Catie's art class studied ancient Egypt. She made this tiny sarcophagus with a tiny mummy inside. She calls it "my masterpiece." It's creepy & weird & I love it.
poobou: My walking buddy had to wave hi to some geese that were out on the lake. (That dress was Catie's, it's at least 2 sizes too big, but she loves it.)
poobou: It's Pajama Day at daycare. Lucy says, "None of my friends know I have Frozen pajamas!" True, but I don't think anyone is going to be particularly surprised by this information, sweet girl.
poobou: It always feels like a big deal when I can get Catie to smile for a picture. (I know, no seat belt, we were stopped in the carpool line about 10 feet from where she gets out.)
poobou: Picked up these messy-haired ragamuffin children, & we're road-tripping to Charlotte for the weekend. They're kinda excited.
poobou: Uncle Chris & Mandy's house has a big couch with a big TV. They've wasted no time making themselves at home.
poobou: Driving a fire truck at the kids' museum.
poobou: Lucy riding a dolphin.
poobou: Flying an airplane at the kids' museum.
poobou: Lucy took her TSA job very seriously.
poobou: Catie driving a boat
poobou: Lucy's turn on the boat
poobou: Grocery shopping at the kids' museum.
poobou: Serious shopper.
poobou: Self-checkout at the grocery store.
poobou: I didn't realize until later that I'm in the mirror behind her.
poobou: She cooked me a "cupcake sandwich," which actually sounds pretty delicious.
poobou: Lucy found a princess costume & a stage.
poobou: Not many costumes at the kids' museum fit Catie. She found the policeman's jacket & sheriff's hat.
poobou: me & my big girl
poobou: Lucy liked the big pink chairs at Charming Charlie.
poobou: Reading with Mandy while the puppy tries to chew the book.
poobou: Catie is totally in love.
poobou: Lucy was very concerned about the puppy jumping up to get her snack. (She can't jump that high yet.)
poobou: Samson, my brother's kitten, wisely kept his distance from my loud children all weekend.
poobou: Bonding
poobou: Nice one, Lucy.
poobou: Even Lucy, who is typically indifferent about animals, is pretty enamored with my brother's puppy.
poobou: Driving home. Catie leaning over to do her Crazy Face cracks me up.