poobou: One of Lucy's favorite things: watching YouTube videos with Pop-Pop.
poobou: Lucy playing peekaboo in the hammock in her cousins' backyard.
poobou: She demanded a movie & the afghan my grandmother made. Clearly "Aladdin" held her interest.
poobou: Besides getting flowers for me, Chris also got Valentines for my girls. Bet they'll never guess whose is whose.
poobou: I was kinda bummed that the kids are at their dad's on their snow day, so I didn't get to take them out to play. I'm glad he texted me these. (Catie looks like she's meditating on the ice, but she was just mad about having her picture taken.)
poobou: So. I kinda went and chopped many, many inches off my hair today.
poobou: Making silly faces.
poobou: Dinner with my favorite guy. I just realized my scarf looks like someone skinned Telly, the muppet from Sesame Street.
poobou: I told Lucy she didn't have to nap today, as long as she would lie down with a blanket while I turned on Frozen. The movie's been on less than 10 minutes. #snowday
poobou: Catie likes an audience when she plays Wizard 101 on my laptop. (And yes, they're both sitting on Chris's lap. Again.)