poobou: Big wheelin' Lucy.
poobou: The best picture I got of my kids and @permendous's girls at this morning's StrollerThon. Clearly a winner.
poobou: I think this is designed for blowing bubbles. Instead she looks like Popeye.
poobou: Hey Lucy, what do you want for breakfast? "Broccoli!" I couldn't think of a reason to say no. So ok, weirdo, broccoli it is. (Big sister on the iPad photobomb.)
poobou: Catie's 2nd grade school pic. She looks so grown up!
poobou: Went darker for fall. And I got rid of what Lucy calls my "sparkly hairs," aka grays.
poobou: My shopping buddy is checking out all the Halloween decorations.
poobou: These are "Nameinals." I've had Catie's since she was a baby. My mom bought Lucy's when she was born but I only just now (3 years later) got it framed. So now both girls have them over their beds. I think they're so cute.
poobou: Catie gets out of bed, half-asleep: "Where are my morning pants?" Me: "Your what? MORNING PANTS??" Her: "Yeah. The pants I wore to school." Me: "Do you mean your jeans? You put them in the dirty clothes basket after your bath." Her: "Oh right. Well th
poobou: Catie playing at her cousin's birthday party. That's her formal party Minecraft t-shirt, obvs.
poobou: Mimi & her birthday flowers (from my sister).
poobou: Singing happy birthday to Mimi.
poobou: Birthday candle helpers.
poobou: It really is a shame how they always seem so uncomfortable around each other.